Todos somos herederos de Adán

  • Víctor G. Pineda Benítez Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Lingüística, Universidad Autónoma Metropolit
Keywords: existencial, language, mortality, poetry, dream


In this work, I wanted to attend the imperceptible wishes that resound when being behind methodism an irrefutable intent is accumulated to understand in our hetereogeneity and our esthetics, humanity’s history not any more. Although, man’s history is being understood indeed. So, I recommended reading to be guided towards instintics rather than rationalism in order to make the intention of my little speech sweat: to scramble the soul of immortality.


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How to Cite
Pineda Benítez, V. G. (2011). Todos somos herederos de Adán. Signos Lingüísticos, 4(08). Retrieved from