Lenguas indígenas como objeto de las políticas lingüísticas en Venezuela

  • Natalia Bondarenko Pisemskaya Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
Keywords: indigenous languages, acquisition planning, formal planning, functional planning, linguistic policy


This paper seeks to disentangle the linguistic policy of the Venezuelan state towards indigenous languages. We start by defining linguistic planning and linguistic policy, then proceed to describe what has been done in the framework of formal, functional and acquisition planning of these languages. Based on this analysis, the principal characteristics of the linguistic policy of the Venezuelan state are resumed. I concluded that only the indigenous peoples themselves have the right to decide if to abandon or preserve their language, and that linguistic policy must coincide with the aspirations of these social sectors if pretending to be successful.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko Pisemskaya, N. (2011). Lenguas indígenas como objeto de las políticas lingüísticas en Venezuela. Signos Lingüísticos, 5(09). Retrieved from https://signoslinguisticos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/SL/article/view/119