La estructura argumental preferida de los verbos intransitivos y el concepto de marcación

  • Chantal Melis Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Milagros Alfonso Vega Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: arguments, spanish, intransitives, markedness, obliques


In this paper we explore the concept of markedness within the domain of the Spanish intransitive clauses, which are viewed from the perspective of the preferred argument structure hypothesis. These clauses, with their systematic inclusion of an oblique expression, exhibit a conflict between the formal and cognitive correlates of markedness and markedness assessed in terms of frequency distribution. Our analysis of the intransitive clauses will lead us to conclude that the distributional factor maintains a certain degree of independence with respect to the other two parameters which define markedness.


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How to Cite
Melis, C., & Alfonso Vega, M. (2012). La estructura argumental preferida de los verbos intransitivos y el concepto de marcación. Signos Lingüísticos, 6(11). Retrieved from