Recursos y resolución de problemáticas de textualización en la redacción con intencionalidad argumentativa en bachillerato

  • Ernesto Hernández Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: analysis, argumentation, difficulties, intencionality, textualization


The research provides a study of the resources and problems in intentional argumentative writing of 47 high school students, who express their positions on a newspaper note about the hindrance of a lynching: construction of topic statements, supporting arguments, positions assumed, and some stylistic, rhetorical, syntactic, lexical, and content resources. The analytical categories considered facilitate argumentative intentionality analysis in positions taken and in the contrasting statements expressed about taking justice into own hands, by either counter argumentation or doubtful changes of approval and disapproval positions. Texts in which students express doubtful or hesitating positions manifest remarkable cohesion difficulties: reference and consistency with verbs and generic nouns, deictic phrases as transition and thematic markers and authors’ enunciative textual representation.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, E. (2012). Recursos y resolución de problemáticas de textualización en la redacción con intencionalidad argumentativa en bachillerato. Signos Lingüísticos, 6(11). Retrieved from