La razón y el lenguaje en el pensamiento de Herder

  • Antonio Rodríguez Puente Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: flexibility, language, reason, reflection, sensitivity


This work briefly exposes Herder’s conception on reason, which focuses on the relationship reason-language. Firstly, his theory on reason will be considered in terms of his research on the origin of language. The characterization he makes about the representative faculties of the man as open will be studied as well; then I will examine Herder´s idea of the fact that reason is the general configuration of human faculties and not something separated from them. Afterwards, the use of human representative faculties will be explained on the grounds of the invention of language. Finally, I will deepen the understanding of the relation between language and sensitivity.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Puente, A. (2012). La razón y el lenguaje en el pensamiento de Herder. Signos Lingüísticos, 6(12/13). Retrieved from