Antiquated words in Mexican Spanish. A generational approximation

  • Estefanía Andrea Enríquez San Miguel Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: antiquated words, archaisms, generation, disuse, usage mark


This text shows the differentiation between antiquated words and archaisms. Although they appear to be synonyms, these words must be analyzed in terms of usage at a given language. Archaic words are those that are not used nowadays, that are endangered or missing entirely from the vocabulary of a language. However, antiquated words are currently used by a specific generation, as they know them, they understand their meaning and they identify the context in which these words should be used. Examples of antiquated words —nouns, adjectives and verbs including their meaning— will be presented in contrast with examples of archaic words.


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How to Cite
Enríquez San Miguel, E. A. (2013). Antiquated words in Mexican Spanish. A generational approximation. Signos Lingüísticos, 7(14). Retrieved from