Aspects of diachronic change in Northern Tepehuan: observations from the Arte de la lengua tepeguana by Benito Rinaldini

  • Araceli Carrillo Carrillo Universidad de Sonora
  • Zarina Estrada Fernández Universidad de Sonora
Keywords: arte de la lengua, comparative analysis, grammar, northern tepehuan, tepeguana language


The study of the Arte de la lengua tepeguana, written by Benito Rinaldini and published in 1743, allows us, on the one hand, to acknowledge the value of the book and the descriptive abilities of the author; on the other hand, to advance in the comparative analysis of both language varieties of Tepehuano del norte: the historical and the modern one.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Carrillo, A., & Estrada Fernández, Z. (2013). Aspects of diachronic change in Northern Tepehuan: observations from the Arte de la lengua tepeguana by Benito Rinaldini. Signos Lingüísticos, 8(15). Retrieved from