Word formation in didactic Spanish dictionaries

  • Marta Torres Martínez Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: didactic lexicography, morphology, lexical item, learner’s dictionaries, 20th century-spanish.


The central objective of this research is to examine, evaluate and analyze the information about word formation included in a selection of learner’s dictionaries. Particularly, we will focus on certain aspects related with lexical morphology that, as indicated in the very prologue, cause difficulties when it comes to be gathered and codified in the dictionary corpus, as much in the macrostructure (for example, inclusion of initials, prefixes and suffixes, adverbs ending in –mente, adjectives in –ble or compounds) as in the microstructure (for example, inclusion of summaries with the derivatives of the dictionary entry at issue).


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How to Cite
Torres Martínez, M. (2018). Word formation in didactic Spanish dictionaries. Signos Lingüísticos, 10(19). Retrieved from https://signoslinguisticos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/SL/article/view/216