“Todos somos Marcos” o los caminos que llevan del zapatismo local al neozapatismo altermundialista

  • César Ramírez École Doctorale de Sciences du Langage Université Lumière Lyon 2


In more than ten years of social and political presence, the evolution of the speech of the zapatista movement has achieved to exceed the borders of the ethnic dimension to settle in a problematic at a National and International level. The human dignity, the respect to the other, the tolerance and the inclusion, are key points of a speech that has received great mediatic success through the manipulation of verbal and nonverbal symbols. These are symbols produced since the clandestinity in Mexico and are captured via Internet in all the forums of the altermundialist debate.. 


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How to Cite
Ramírez, C. (2009). “Todos somos Marcos” o los caminos que llevan del zapatismo local al neozapatismo altermundialista. Signos Lingüísticos, 2(03). Retrieved from https://signoslinguisticos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/SL/article/view/25