Cuidar: from cognition to perception + control
In the Middle Age, the Spanish verb cuidar had a cognitive sense derived from latin cogitare (‘to think’). This meaning remained until Classic Spanish when cuidar became a perceptive verb. In this study, through the analysis of a diachronic corpus, we highlight the basic syntactic and semantic changes that the verb cuidar suffered in the history of Spanish. The data shows that the changes in meaning trig- gered clear movements in the syntax of the verb, for example, the construction of a more concrete direct object, the alternation between a direct regime and a prepositional regime or a diferent verb modification.Downloads
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How to Cite
Eslava Heredia, C., & Sanz Martin, B. E. (2022). Cuidar: from cognition to perception + control. Signos Lingüísticos, 15(29). Retrieved from