Construir el consenso; la enunciación en el discurso zapatista: deixis, modalización y presupuestos en la entrevista Scherer–Marcos

  • Rolando Picos Bovio Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


The interviews that Marcos, Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) military leader and main spokesman, has granted to the national and international press, after 1994, that represent a significant part of the discursive strategies to that the zapatism has resorted to position itself in the public opinion. Between these, the one made by the journalist Julio Scherer, in March 2001 in the context of the zapatista caravan to the Mexico City, which is highly represented of which we could denominate corpus of the zapatista speech.In this article (that comprises a wider investigation) considers particularly the analysis of the manifest enunciation in the mentioned interview. Around the Theory of the Enunciation we left from the work of Benveniste (1979). Of the proposals of the Theory of the Enunciation, we approached those that describe the operation of deixis and the modalization in the enunciation; in addition, with an approach that articulates expositions of the pragmatic semantics and the studies of the argumentation in the language, we analyzed the implicit thing, the budget and the understood thing in the speech. With this aim we followed Ducrot (1982) and Ducrot and Anscombre (1983) and establish the way in which the direction of the statements towards a given conclusion operates in the Scherer–Marcos interview.


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How to Cite
Picos Bovio, R. (2009). Construir el consenso; la enunciación en el discurso zapatista: deixis, modalización y presupuestos en la entrevista Scherer–Marcos. Signos Lingüísticos, 2(04). Retrieved from