El neoliberalismo visto desde abajo por Don Durito, caballero andante de la selva lacandona

  • Dalia Ruiz Avila Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


In this document a representation of epistolary zapatista speech is analyzed. This speech develops two important accomplishment lines: one of them is constituted by the whole Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena press releases and the other one by the main spokesman uprisings, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, who tries to lays a worthy future for native people. He has made up two characters: one of them has similar characteristics to some kafkian literature character, the Don Durito beetle, a knight–errant from Lacandona jungle and, the other one, a mythical character, the oldman Antonio. This analysis, based on a semiotic perspective, ties the verbal with non–verbal. In the second case, it is based on a painting made by the Chilean artist Beatriz Aurora. The description–narration found in Don Durito’s letters and the bond that settles down with the propitious image with the objects around and the environment in which it develops, as well as the production, identification and evaluation of this elements set constitute the discursive production belongs to texts and a well–known context.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Avila, D. (2009). El neoliberalismo visto desde abajo por Don Durito, caballero andante de la selva lacandona. Signos Lingüísticos, 2(04). Retrieved from https://signoslinguisticos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/SL/article/view/39