Las lenguas indígenas como segundas lenguas

  • María Soledad Pérez López Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Keywords: native languages teaching, applied linguistic research, native languages, language and culture, methods of second languages


In this article, some reflections about the necessity to research for better designs in matter of learning methods, for native languages as a second language, are proposed. The methods must be adapted to the language’s structural and communicative characteristics. The information comes from works elaborated by bilingual university students, who made a deep analysis of their languages, allowing them to develop linguistic and communicative objectives in the lesson’s design. This work, proved the communicative differences between the languages and the place where the culture and language are articulated.


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How to Cite
Pérez López, M. S. (2011). Las lenguas indígenas como segundas lenguas. Signos Lingüísticos, 3(06). Retrieved from