Corpus lingüísticos automatizados, un método para observar el comportamiento de la lengua

  • Willelmira Castillejos López Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Keywords: corpus, frequency, tools, representativeness, texts


In recent times, linguistic research has been especially linked to computer science technology. A language can be now perceived as a system of quantitative signs useful for human communication. Emphasis on quantity is focused on its structure analysis by means of computerized corpora, equipped with a series of tools to measure the frequency of words, preferred companies of one and another word, synonyms, key words, etcetera, aspects which reflect the language as an entity mainly subject to fixes norms, and not to free choices as normally thought. Language is very similar to mathematics. Corpus linguistics seems to prove this assertion.


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How to Cite
Castillejos López, W. (2011). Corpus lingüísticos automatizados, un método para observar el comportamiento de la lengua. Signos Lingüísticos, 4(07). Retrieved from