Definiteness and differential object marking in P’orhépecha

  • Alejandra Capistrán Garza Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: p’orhépecha, differential object marking, definiteness, case, denotation of noun phrases


This study aims at discussing the interrelation between definiteness and differential object marking in P’orhépecha, a language spoken in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. The investigation, which contrasts with the proposals of other specialists in this language, provides new data on this phenomenom. The research hypothesis is that the function of object marking is to restrict the denotation of the noun phrase (NP) in the contexts in which the omission of case marking is possible. Such function demonstrates, not only the apparently optional character of marking in indefinite NPs, but also the fact that, contrary to what is expected according to the scale of definiteness, certain NPs with a definite interpretation occur without marking when it is possible to unequivocally identify its referent.


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How to Cite
Capistrán Garza, A. (2013). Definiteness and differential object marking in P’orhépecha. Signos Lingüísticos, 8(15). Retrieved from