Semantic alignment and lexicalization in the subject marking system in Otomi-Mazahua

Keywords: otopamean, morphosyntax, agentive alignment, comparative linguistics, linguistic change


Verbal subject morphology in Otomi and Mazahua languages (Otopame > Otomangue) has a morphosyntactic alignment combining the nominative-accusative and a semantic subsystem (Hernández-Green, 2015; Knapp, 2013; Palancar, 2009; Vargas Bernal, 2013).This article proposes that the semantic alignment based on the accusative (Nichols, 1992: 66) results from the analogical extension of person marking of an old semantic alignment system of the agentive/non-agentive type in proto-Otomi-Mazahua, and also from the lexicalization of a group of patientive and stative predicates produced by the reanalysis of transitive verbs in a further diacronic stage.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Green, N. (2019). Semantic alignment and lexicalization in the subject marking system in Otomi-Mazahua. Signos Lingüísticos, 12(24). Retrieved from